Open and accessible philology for the Information Age

Collaborative digital editions, commentaries, and translations for pre-medieval works in 14 languages with support from the New Alexandria Foundation

Work with the tools you know

The Open Commentaries platform allows you to upload documents with the docx encoding, meaning you can continue to write in Word, Pages, OpenOffice, Google Docs, or any platform that supports saving to docx. With Open Commentaries, your work can reach a broader audience quickly. We'll handle parsing comments, footnotes, and citations (coming soon), and we're working on additional support for cross-references and named entity recognition.

Bring your TEI XML to life

The Open Commentaries Platform also works with and enhances the Text Encoding Initiative's XML. Unlike TEI, however, our open-source data structures free your texts from a rigid document hierarchy, allowing you to map relationships across corpora without having to dive into a miles-deep XML tree.