A Pausanias Commentary in Progress

# Ongoing comments on A Pausanias reader in progress ## Gregory Nagy ### Editors: Angelia Hanhardt and Keith DeStone ### Web producer: Noel Spencer ### Consultant for images: Jill Curry Robbins

1.15.3 subject heading(s): Marathon the hero; hērōs ‘hero’; Marathon the place; Athena; Theseus; Hēraklēs; graphē ‘painting’; Ekhetlos Pausanias says here that the name Marathon applies to a cult hero, that is, to a figure who is worshipped by the local population, and that the locale of Marathon is named after him. We see here that a place-name can be simply a hero’s name. Another example where a place-name is attributed to a cult hero’s name is Kolōnos, named after a cult hero called Kolōnos, as we see in Sophocles Oedipus at Colonus 59. Commentary in H24H 18§§2–4.